About Us


3Piers Consulting is a full service product growth & analytics consulting company, centered in Silicon Valley. We specialize in SMB SaaS companies ranging from six person startup to established corporations. We use state-of-the-art data techniques like generative AI, predictive analytics and user experience research to help our clients unlock business growth. Send us an email. We would be happy to be your partner in making better apps and services.

Ryan Withop, Co-Founder, 3Piers Consulting



  • Increase app and web engagement

  • Maximize subscription and lifetime revenue

  • A/B Test new app experiences

  • Evaluate and identify growth loop opportunities

  • Distribute data effectively to decision makers


OUR People

Our Data Analysts are relentless in their curiosity, current in their technology and sharp in their business acumen. Coming from Product Management, User Experience Research and Data Science, they are uniquely skilled to address your toughest challenges.




Our analysts are up-to-date with hands-on experience in the latest analytics and big data techniques. Below is a list of tech we use to get the job done right.



  • Datawarehousing

  • Data Pipelines

  • Web Analytics

  • Mobile Analytics

  • Google Analytics

  • Adobe Analytics

  • UserTesting.com

  • FullStory

  • Appsee

  • Facebook Analytics

  • App Store

  • Columnar Databases

  • Optimizely A/B Testing


  • SQL, MySQL

  • Amazon Redshift AWS

  • Google BigQuery

  • Fivetran / Census

  • Google Cloud

  • Hadoop

  • Hive

  • Mixpanel

  • Amplitude Analytics

  • Tableau


  • Predictive Analytics

  • Data Product Strategy

  • A/B Testing

  • Conversational AI

  • Growth Loop Analysis

  • Reporting

  • Instrumentation

  • Data Integration

  • Data Roadmapping

  • Dashboarding

  • AI Text Categorization

  • Customer Surveys

  • User Testing


  • SQL

  • Python

  • R

  • Airflow

  • C++

  • HiveQL

  • Javascript

  • JSON

How can we help you?